Saturday, November 14, 2015


 Hold myself, 2014, coiling, stoneware, glaze

The good immigrant, 2015, coiling stoneware, glaze

Kuukauden Taiteilija HTS, Hämeenlinnan kirjasto, marras-joulukuu 2015

The Artist of the month, Art society of Hämeenlinna, Library
A small collection of narrative and illustrated pieces -wall plates and  statues

The main characters  of Herman Hesse ´s novel Narcissus and Goldmund in a female form. (slab building stoneware, engobe, glaze 2012-2015)

 Winter swimming, Peekaboo! and November (coiled stoneware, engobe, 2014)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Kuukauden taiteilija HTS, Cafe Laurell, marras-joulukuu

Artist of the month, Art society of Hämeenlinna, Cafe Laurell
Hair-themed illustrated platters and plates 2013-2015
picture: Oren Singer

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Israeli ceramics

Couple of exhibitions I visited on a spring trip in Israel 2015

The Open Museum Tefen
Varda Yatom

Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center

 EXIT- exhibition of first studio scholarships at  the center


And some cups from different makers in the center.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hämeen Nuorten Biennaali 2015, Kevätkarnevaali

My ceramic bust, Facade no. 5, stoneware, porcelain slip and ceramic color

Anni Honkajuuri, Gone with the wind. casting clay and crayons

Elina Salonen, The Weepers, paperclay and glaze