Saturday, November 14, 2015


 Hold myself, 2014, coiling, stoneware, glaze

The good immigrant, 2015, coiling stoneware, glaze

Kuukauden Taiteilija HTS, Hämeenlinnan kirjasto, marras-joulukuu 2015

The Artist of the month, Art society of Hämeenlinna, Library
A small collection of narrative and illustrated pieces -wall plates and  statues

The main characters  of Herman Hesse ´s novel Narcissus and Goldmund in a female form. (slab building stoneware, engobe, glaze 2012-2015)

 Winter swimming, Peekaboo! and November (coiled stoneware, engobe, 2014)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Kuukauden taiteilija HTS, Cafe Laurell, marras-joulukuu

Artist of the month, Art society of Hämeenlinna, Cafe Laurell
Hair-themed illustrated platters and plates 2013-2015
picture: Oren Singer